The industry is almost 5 years on from the introduction of CPR and EN 1090 and we still have the issue of Builders and Main Contractors using non certified fabrication companies.

Have any of the Notified Bodies that audit both ISO 9001 and EN 1090 considered the following;

An example:

A Builder, Main contractor or possibly Project Management company hold certification to ISO 9001.

The Notified body follow an audit trail from the fabrication companies used on a project to the approved supplier listing, concluding with the initial supplier questionnaire / evaluation documents that the company use when approving or re-evaluating a sub contract fabrication company to be include within their supply chain.

The initial supplier questionnaire may ask questions such as, is the sub contract fabricator ISO 9001, 14001 etc accredited, but does it specifically ask the questiondoes the fabrication company hold certification to EN 1090 and required proof of the Notified Body FPC certification.

If the questionnaire does not ask this question, non certified fabricators will continue to be employed by Builders, Main contractors or Project Management companies because they will be seen to be approved suppliers within the organisation and possible no further checks will be carried out.

The question is, if the contractor holding ISO 9001 accreditation does not identify the requirement of the sub-contractor to be legally compliant to EN 1090, is the contractor or builder in breach of the specified requirements in relation to meeting the customer, statutory and regulatory requirements set out in the scope and clauses 4 – 9 of ISO 9001, and if so, would this be raised as a minor or major non conformance by the auditing body?

If the finding identified a non-conformance, this would generate an action from the Main Contractor or Builder that would set in motion changes to documentation and approval requirements through the supply chain, tightening the controls on using non certified suppliers.

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